
Emailology #12

Emailmovers maintains a database of 5,623,096 companies registered on Companies House. Of these there are 4,796,341 on the effective register which excludes companies that are in the process of removal or liquidation.

The following chart visualises how 4,168,445 (87%) of these companies are broken down by Region. As you would expect London, the South East and Greater London are frontrunners ????

This breakdown is just one of thousands of different reports available to run in our online data portal, Countrunner.

Countrunner - Companies by Region

Additional variables include region, town, postcode, county, business class, SIC, employee band, annual turnover, job role and job level. So for instance we could create a report of companies in England London broken down by SIC (Standard industry Code).

London SIC codes

Naturally, we can then provide a list of GDPR Compliant contacts with a professional email address to help your business find new customers and/or suppliers.

If you're looking for a specific business report let me know.

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